Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Media & People of Color

For a research project for my Media class, I was to take a topic and show how Media has impacted it. Naturally I choose to do people of color and media. I have never taken for granted the color of my skin and I will FIGHT to the death trying to defend, and educate, people of color.

It was fun researching the history of people of color and media. Of course some of the things I already knew, like the fact that people of color weren't well represented on TV or in movies, and if they did appear in a film, then they were a slave :/ or they were a sex-craved evil person. Yet to my surprise, I learned that the first African American to win an Oscar was a WOMEN. That's right, women are boss ass b*****.

Just seeing how far we have come towards equality seriously makes me so happy people don't understand. As someone who was bullied and put down because of the color of their skin, equality is something very close to my heart. Plus this project gave me an excuse to speak in Spanish and talk about Spanish shows so I'm happy.

Image result for julian gil
Just a very attractive Hispanic Actor who could pass as White, but itsn't :) 

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