Monday, November 14, 2016

"It's A Beautiful Day To Save Lives"

"They call her the Nazi." "Push one of epi." "Go scrub in"

If you didn't get any of the quotes above then you have not watched any 1 of 269 (and counting) episodes of the TV drama Grey's Anatomy. I feel in love with Meredith Grey and Derek Shepherd from the first random hookup they had in the first scene of the TV series. I spend most of my summer watching seasons 1 through 12 on NETFLIX and now that season 13 is airing on ABC, I COULD NOT BE MORE EXCITED. The show follows Dr. Grey and her crazy life as she does her residency to become a surgeon, while falling in love with her boss who JUST SO HAPPENS TO BE MARRIED. The show also follows other love stories within the other character. Not to mention TONS of surgery that Meredith and her friend fight to scrub in on. The medicine may not be 100% real, but it certainly keeps you on the edge of your seat. This show definitely is a show I could watch end on end and every get tired of it. This show also give just a small incite in the world of medicine and the amazement it is.

The show does feature LOTS of hotties as main characters, I mean Derek's nickname is McDreamy and Mark Sloan's nickname is McSteamy. But let's not forget about Dr. Jackson Avery and his gorgeous eyes, or Dr. Teddy Altman was beautiful. Sex really cells because not one of the cast members is ugly. The only thing that SUCKS about this show is that LITERALLY EVERYONE DIES. Some come close to dying, but because of the power of medicine, they pull through. Right when you think everything is perfect and nothing could go wrong.... DAMN Shonda Rhimes (creator of Grey's Anatomy) KILLS SOMEONE OFF. Some deaths hurt more than others, but sure enough I've cried if not a million times each season.
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McSteamy, AKA Dr. Mark Sloan
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McDreamy, AKA Dr. Derek Sheperd 
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Dr. Meredith Grey
Image result for jackson avery
Dr. Jackson Avery

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Media & People of Color

For a research project for my Media class, I was to take a topic and show how Media has impacted it. Naturally I choose to do people of color and media. I have never taken for granted the color of my skin and I will FIGHT to the death trying to defend, and educate, people of color.

It was fun researching the history of people of color and media. Of course some of the things I already knew, like the fact that people of color weren't well represented on TV or in movies, and if they did appear in a film, then they were a slave :/ or they were a sex-craved evil person. Yet to my surprise, I learned that the first African American to win an Oscar was a WOMEN. That's right, women are boss ass b*****.

Just seeing how far we have come towards equality seriously makes me so happy people don't understand. As someone who was bullied and put down because of the color of their skin, equality is something very close to my heart. Plus this project gave me an excuse to speak in Spanish and talk about Spanish shows so I'm happy.

Image result for julian gil
Just a very attractive Hispanic Actor who could pass as White, but itsn't :) 

3 More, check them out!

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

First Lady: Michelle Obama

The New York Times Style Magazine recently featured a tribute to first lady Michelle Obama. The article include four beautifully written thank you notes to the First Lady for the last eight years of her life, not to mention four ABSOLUTELY STUNNING photographs of the magnificent women herself. While some may not have loved the Obama family like I did, it cannot be argued that Michelle Obama has changed history in the United States. 
Come on, LOOK AT HER *heart eyes emojis*
Three women and one man express in positive word about either personal experiences they have had with the First Lady or just simply what an inspiration and role model she was, and will continue to be, for them. "Glory to Michelle" is basically what the writers are saying. Common words like graceful, beauty, and role model are used to describe Mrs. Obama. One of the authors in particular writes about the love story between the power couple and it had me melting. As a hopeful romantic, any love story has me reading end to end and I fall in love with the couple. Just the way these four individuals speak on her behave is marvelous. They gave her the credit that she does not always get, but very well deserves. This is a heartwarming salute to the wonderful role model I know and love, Michelle Obama

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Blonde: Frank Ocean

As a long term fan of Frank Ocean, it was so exciting to hear that after so long he was finally releasing new music. Rumors on Twitter had failed me THREE times, and I had given up hope. Then on August 20, BLONDE was all over my feed on Twitter. I had MAJOR high hopes for this album.
I was let down :(. Now don't get me wrong, the album is good, but I was expecting better. After listening to the album 3 times, I could only get with Pink + White and Self Control. To me , those are the only songs that I can really relate to and I can see myself jamming out to in the car. The soft guitar in Self Control really gets to me and Pink + White really paints a picture in my head. 

Whether you liked, loved, or hated the album, Frank Ocean does a great job in the song/story Facebook Story appealing to everyone on social media. Social media is a part of everyone's life and that is scary! We live in a society where everything we do is on the web and sometimes that is not okay. The song is only a little over a minute, yet it made me just think for a second that "woah, let me not get sucked up by the world of twitter."

In the end, I still listen to most of the songs even though they aren't favorite. It's Frank Ocean, how can I not listen to it.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Journal Assigned: Annoying

For seven straight days, I had to log on a piece of paper all the different types of media I used throughout the day.

I found that this assignment was more time consuming than I would have thought to be. Not to my surprise, I spend most of my day listening to music. Whether I am cleaning, eating, doing homework, or scrolling through Twitter, music is always playing in the background. The most annoying part of this assignment was remembering after every text or every snap I had to log that onto my chart. I also forgot my chart at home when I worked a 9-5 Shift at work, but luckily my media usage by that day was so predictable (and it was a VERY busy day in the office) that I remembered all the times I had used my phone. Other than that, I was actually pretty interesting to see how much I was actually on my phone just on twitter.