Sunday, September 25, 2016

Blonde: Frank Ocean

As a long term fan of Frank Ocean, it was so exciting to hear that after so long he was finally releasing new music. Rumors on Twitter had failed me THREE times, and I had given up hope. Then on August 20, BLONDE was all over my feed on Twitter. I had MAJOR high hopes for this album.
I was let down :(. Now don't get me wrong, the album is good, but I was expecting better. After listening to the album 3 times, I could only get with Pink + White and Self Control. To me , those are the only songs that I can really relate to and I can see myself jamming out to in the car. The soft guitar in Self Control really gets to me and Pink + White really paints a picture in my head. 

Whether you liked, loved, or hated the album, Frank Ocean does a great job in the song/story Facebook Story appealing to everyone on social media. Social media is a part of everyone's life and that is scary! We live in a society where everything we do is on the web and sometimes that is not okay. The song is only a little over a minute, yet it made me just think for a second that "woah, let me not get sucked up by the world of twitter."

In the end, I still listen to most of the songs even though they aren't favorite. It's Frank Ocean, how can I not listen to it.

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