Wednesday, September 7, 2016

About Me

Hello beautiful people of the world, my name is Ashly Paredes. I just recently graduation high school from Linganore High this past spring. My current plan is to get my general education done at FCC focusing on Business Administration and then transfer to the University of Maryland: College Park in the fall of 2018. My guess is that this plan will change because I have no idea what I want to do with my life. The only thing that I am positive is that I will be graduation from college at some point in my life.

When I am not in class, I can be found at work at a State Farm Agency in Urbana or spending time with my friends and family. I am a fluent Spanish speaker, and my family is from El Salvador. I very much enjoy everything about my culture, from the food to the ridiculous superstitions. Two of my favorite things to do to dance and listen to music, and I listen to a variety of different styles of music ranging from Bachata and Banda to the latest R&B single out.


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