Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Journal Assigned: Annoying

For seven straight days, I had to log on a piece of paper all the different types of media I used throughout the day.

I found that this assignment was more time consuming than I would have thought to be. Not to my surprise, I spend most of my day listening to music. Whether I am cleaning, eating, doing homework, or scrolling through Twitter, music is always playing in the background. The most annoying part of this assignment was remembering after every text or every snap I had to log that onto my chart. I also forgot my chart at home when I worked a 9-5 Shift at work, but luckily my media usage by that day was so predictable (and it was a VERY busy day in the office) that I remembered all the times I had used my phone. Other than that, I was actually pretty interesting to see how much I was actually on my phone just on twitter.

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